Posts by Leonardo Sevilhano
Amazon fauna under threat
Amazon fauna under threat Greater biodiversity on the planet suffers after fires in the region The Amazon Forest is home to about 20% of all fauna on planet Earth. Spread over about 6.7 million hectares, species such as the pink boto, the rooster-of-the-saw and the tortoise-killer-of-the-woodsstand out. By 2017, 1,294…
Read MoreFauna da Amazônia sob ameaça
Fauna da Amazônia sob ameaça Maior biodiversidade do planeta sofre após queimadas na região A Floresta Amazônica abriga cerca de 20% de toda a fauna do planeta Terra. Espalhadas pelos cerca de 6,7 milhões de hectares, destacam-se espécies como o boto-cor-de-rosa, o galo-da-serra e a tartaruga-mata-mata. Até 2017 foram contabilizadas…
Read MoreIndigenous people in the Amazon
Indigenous people in the Amazon At 19, an indigenous representative defends his origins and the environment In Brazil there are about 305 indigenous peoples. Among them, they account for approximately 900,000 people. This represents 0.4% of the Brazilian population. Among them, there are 690 territories of the indigenous population recognized…
Read MoreIndígenas pela Amazônia
Indígenas pela Amazônia Aos 19 anos, representante indígena defende suas origens e o meio ambiente No Brasil existem cerca de 305 povos indígenas. Dentre eles, contabilizam aproximadamente 900.000 pessoas. O que representa 0,4% da população brasileira. Entre si, são 690 territórios da população indígena reconhecidos pelo governo que abrangem por…
Read MoreDeforestation in the Amazon
Deforestation in the Amazon Deforestation of the largest Brazilian heritage has a viable and practical solution The Amazon rainforest remains at risk due to the high number of deforestation in its forest. According to the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), only in the last month of August the Legal…
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